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Welcome to the St. Roberts TIPPS FAQ. Below are listed some common questions. If you have a question that is not listed here, feel free to contact us.

What is TIPPS?

TIPPS is a social group for parents with children from birth up to school age. TIPPS is primarily a way for parents with young children to get together with other parents in the parish community for fun and fellowship.

Who can join?

Parents wth at least one child under the age of five are invited to be part of our group.

When do you meet?

We have a potluck social or offsite event every 6 weeks to 2 months during the school year. In lieu of regular meetings during the summer, we have playgroups at Commodore Park.

What kind of activities do you have?

We have onsite gatherings, offsite trips, and playgroups. Usually the onsite gatherings include a potluck dinner with babysitters on hand to help take care of the children. Offsite trips are to child-friendly sites such as Happy Hollow Park and Zoo in San Jose. We plan playgroups during the summer months at Commodore Park in San Bruno.

How do I join?

To join TIPPS, contact either Andrew or Ana Kimoto.

Tel: (650) 873-5361
Andrew's Email: ajkimoto@sanbrunocable.com
Ana's Email: ana.berasategui@schwab.com

Where can I learn more?

To learn more about TIPPS, contact either Andrew or Ana Kimoto or visit the TIPPS Bulletin Board.